Monopolar and bipolar rf which one will be better?
We have studied physics and know that there are positive and negative polarities. Therefore, all these names (three poles, four poles, octagonal, regardless of polarity) are small nouns. Let me explain unipolarity and bipolarity.
What is unipolar radio frequency?
In unipolar RF, the (+) and (-) poles are far apart from each other. As a result, after entering the skin, the current has no other choice to pass through all skin layers, travel through the body to another pole and then exit.
This means that single-molecule radio frequency also depends on other factors. We can treat not only the surface of the skin (epithelial), but also the middle layer of skin (subcutaneous), the deepest layer of skin (subcutaneous/subcutaneous) and even subcutaneous fat deposits under the skin.
How do we view other factors, not only the binocular/monocular arrangement. However, in most settings, unipolar RF gives us the opportunity for deep processing. Unfortunately, this is not the case of bipedal RF, it is limited to adequate surface treatment, and there is no need to use any latex to make the current “deeper”. For deep and professional skin tightening, unilateral radio frequency can be solved.
What is bipolar radio frequency?
For bipolar RF, the position of the sign (+) and minus (-) are very close to each other-too close for deep treatment.
Because the poles are close to each other in most machines. Therefore, there is currently no other option to make the skin penetrate the skin briefly and completely (as small as one millimeter) and then leave the skin again from another extreme point, instead of shooting far away from that place, which is often the “ballistic” of a runny nose.
This means that if we want to treat the dermis correctly (or even subcutaneous fat or sebaceous fat), we must first burn off the epidermis and retain almost all of the current. Because you don’t want to burn the epidermis, the treatment intensity should be adjusted at a lower level. This will cause the epidermis happy deeper skin layer to not be processed properly.
The effect of epidermal heating is very good, it brings a lot of residue and quite frequent irritation, and some over tightening. However, the production of collagen/elastin is not stimulated at all in the underlying dermis, and there is absolutely no reduction in cellulite fat or deep fat (located even deeper).
If you increase the strength to work on deeper skin layers and produce some skin conjunctiva/skin, the epidermis will be burned, irritated or severely pained.